This year been extremely hectic and because of that I changed a lot.
I gruaduated from highschool. Worked all summer long, 6 days a week. Went to college. And now I'm living on my own in Denmark, where I made new friends and really enjoy life here. I'm planning my life after I graduate from college. And all of that I managed to do in just in the last half a year.
Because of all these changes I decided I will delete this blog and try to start a new one.
Don't expect a new blogpost every other day. I will post whenever I like and only the things I really like.
If you follow me on instagram you maybe also noticed my absense there. I already made a new instagram account. I only post pictures of myself or the few who aren't I really love, not like but truly love because of the persons in that picture,
I hope you understand and will join me on my new path.
lots of love